Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dawud Wharnsby - ‘Madina tun Nabi’

There was merriment and joy
a smile on the face of every girl and boy
The streets of Yathrib welcomed in the Prophet of Allah
Muhammad, salla allahu 'alayhi wa sallam

A full white moon shone down upon the land
rising from the valley between hills of sand
Being grateful to Allah was the Prophet's demand
spreading peace through the streets of Madinah


Madina tun-Nabi, Madina tun-Nabi, the city of the
Prophet is like home to me
I'll travel through the world but I doubt that I will see
a city with such wonder as Madinah

Now the narrow winding roads are so full of history
streets shake with the azan from Masjid un-Nabi
I feel the shadow of the Prophet gently cooling me
as I walk through the streets of Madinah


The man who reads Qur'an `neath a date palm tree
and the smile from the child on the street selling tea
enchant me with their beauty and their simplicity
as I walk through the streets of Madinah.


Al Madinatul Munawarah, o enlightened city!
Al Madinatul Munawarah, even in my sleep you call to me

Time has hurried by, time has travelled on so fast
and though wisdom and truth will always last
I wish, I wish, I wish that I could climb into the past
and live with the Prophet in Madinah


My heart is never far from the home of the Ansar
and the city of the Prophet, al-Madinah

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